Step 12: Using the Family Tree App
Have you downloaded the new FamilySearch Tree App on your phone or tablet? Here are some hints on how to navigate its many useful features.
Let’s go discover information about someone you don’t know (probably great grandparent)
- Discovery experience (memories)
- Tap on person in tree (where and when born)
- Spouses (as well as children)
- Parents (as well as siblings)
- Go to Memories
- Discovery Activities (Family History Activities)
- Go to more button (bottom right on Apple, overflow menu or left swipe on Android)
- Tap on Family History Activities
- Look through and play with it as time allows
- Map My Ancestors
- Tap on number, opens it up (what happened in region in your family – birth, marriage, death, residence, etc) listed at bottom
- Tap on the line of a name at bottom, will show everywhere some event is recorded in that person’s life
- Who is on it? Start with you, up 5 generations
- Tap on settings gear, turn off “Show only direct line ancestors”
- Then it shows all their children and children’s children on down
- Can use when traveling to find where ancestors lived, cemetery – gravesites
- Fun Application– go into maps with an ancestor's name to discover where someone lived
Adding to discoveries
- Picture of you on your tree?
- Tap on yourself, tap on portrait, camera, change to selfie
- Can add picture of anyone else same way
- Add a discovery (story)
- Tap on person, go to memories, touch “+”
- Touch write story
- Write a short snippet or a long life sketch--it's up to you.
- Can choose photo, tell story about It (think Instagram)
- Can add photo now or later
- Can audio record memory
- Are uploaded to FamilySearch, if living- private, if deceased – available to anyone
- Saves forever, builds your story
Find Ancestor
- Tap Magnifying glass (upper right-hand corner) on family tree page
- Find a person (searches entire database)
- Put in name, approximate birth and where
- (You can use this even if you don't know about FamilySearch)
- Shows
- # people in tree with that last name
- Top three countries where name found
- Shows persons (can tap on memories – to memories, tap on name- goes to details page)
- Scroll down, more possible people (can back arrow, refine search criteria to more or less)
- Scroll down, shows how many of each type of record (that fit search criteria)
- Scroll down, actual records
- Tap on record to open up (This can be a powerful experience as you connect with your ancestors.)
- Tap on 3 dots top right, tap “View my relationship” to see how you are related
Hints, new source linker and view my relationship
- “Tasks” - Apple – “Tasks” button at bottom or in Android dropdown “Ancestors with Tasks”
- System generated hints, 95% certainty
- “View my Relationship”
- Tap on person’s name in tasks– opens to their page
- Tap on 3 dots top right
- Tap View my relationship
- “Hints” - Go back to tasks list
- Tap on blue hint button
- Brings up documents that have been indexed on that person
- Tap on green button “Compare” or “Review”
- Record information is on left, information of person in tree is on right
- Scroll down, compare information
- Add in any new information (touch to add)
- Attach if same person
Add sibling
- Tap on your picture on the tree
- Go to Parents
- Tap on Add Sibling at bottom
- Put in name, continue
- Living or dead
- Add date and place of birth, tapping on standardized version when it comes up, continue
- Add This Person
- Brings up reservation list or other green temples in tree
- Ordinances Ready
- Select ordinance
- Print and take to temple or have temple print with QR code from phone
Relatives around me
- More at bottom or dropdown menu
- Finds anyone your are related to in the vicinity who is also using the app
- Shows the relationship
Enjoy Gathering Your Family Anytime, Anywhere!
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